Welcome to Carmotive Care Club!
These terms and conditions outline the rules and regulations for the use of the Carmotive Care Club (C3).
By accessing any Carmotive Care Club (C3) benefits, you accept these terms and conditions.
Important Information
For failure to abide and respect the terms and conditions and policies of the C3 program, Carmotive has the right to revoke membership and disqualify any person from the C3 program. There is a no tolerance policy for members that abuse the system or falsify information to qualify. Carmotive reserves the right to ask for personal information to provide proof of qualification.
The use of third party companies are involved to honor membership benefits. Carmotive takes no responsibility for the failure of third party companies to perform it's obligations.
Year, Annual or Annually = within the 12-month period preceding the current or latest date of service
Carmotive Care Club = C3
Terms of Use
Tier Level Status
Silver and Gold status maintenance:
To maintain the Bronze, Silver or Gold status, you must spend $1,000 annually. If failed to do so the current tier level is moved one tier lower until the $1,000 minimum spend is met for the current year. For example, from Gold to Silver, Silver to Bronze, or Bronze to unqualified for C3 benefits. Failure to spend $1,000 or more for 2-consecutive years, an additional drop in current tier level will occur. A gold member can regain gold status if dropped to bronze level immediately only if, the $1,000 minimum annual spend is completed by the end of the current year. In order to regain access to once earned tier level status and benefits, spending the minimum $1,000 annually needs to be completed prior to being completely dropped from bronze tier level to unqualified for C3. If a member becomes unqualified for C3, the process to become a C3 member begins with no historic spending taken into account. Customers are urged to maintain their tier level or remain a C3 member once achieved.
Perks Terms/Tier Level:
Gold - Free one day rental car - For repairs over $500 and requiring more than 6 hours to complete. Free one-day rental car will be offered only once per every 12-months. All other instances will be at a discounted rate.
Gold - Complimentary lunch during visit - If waiting in the shop for service and declined drop off/pick up service. Lunch maximum cost is $20/person or $35/combined with companion.
Gold - Free Engine Air Filter Annually - One engine air filter replaced annually, once every 12-months for free, applied only to one vehicle per membership, must be one of the qualifying vehicles serviced by Carmotive.
Gold - Free car wash interior - Applies once every 12-months for free, applied only to one vehicle per membership, must be one of the qualifying vehicles serviced by Carmotive.
Gold or Silver - Free wiper blades - Two windshield wiper blades and a rear wiper blade if applicable will be replaced annually, once every 12-months for free, applied only to one vehicle per membership, must be one of the qualifying vehicles serviced by Carmotive.
Gold or Silver - Free car wash exterior - Applies once every 12-months for free, applied only to one vehicle per membership, must be one of the qualifying vehicles serviced by Carmotive.
Member Terms
May qualify up to four (4) vehicles maximum within membership that are a part of same household only.
Oil Change lifetime discount only applies to the four vehicles within the same household.
Fleet accounts are not eligible for a Carmotive Care Club Membership.
Roadside assistance is provided through a third party and must contact the company for any assistance.
Drop off and pick up service is provided based on availability and schedule. The use of third party rideshare programs may be involved to complete the service.
Warranty enhancements per tier level is honored upon third parties performing it's obligations. Certain unqualified repairs may lead to disqualifying enhanced warranty periods and coverage. Customer will be financially responsible for unqualifying warranties. Failure of the third party to deliver it's obligations can occur. Carmotive takes no responsibility in the failure of a third party to complete it's obligations.
Discounts on all repairs over $500 vary by each tier and may not qualify for all repairs.
Discounted and free rental car is upon the delivery of a third party to honor it's obligation, therefore the loss of a discounted or free rental car privilege can occur upon failure of the third party to deliver it's obligations. Carmotive takes no responsibility in the failure of a third party to complete it's obligations.
Promotional Financing with a Synchrony Credit Card is a deferred interest program, as in the complete balance must be paid for within the promotional financing period otherwise all accumulated interest will apply. We strongly urge asking our advisors or acquire the information from providers to understand the financing program completely. It is the customer's responsibility to understand the use of the financing program.
Snap Finance 100-Day Promotional Financing, this financing is a lease-purchase agreement. The balance needs to be paid in full within the 100-day promotional financing period otherwise accumulated interest will be applied to the balance. We strongly urge asking our advisors or acquire the information from providers to understand the financing program completely. It is the customer's responsibility to understand the use of the financing program.